·   ·  · True Reparations ·  ·   ·

True Reparations

Avoiding A Less Perfect Union

No matter how reparations are skewed there is one overriding fact—any reparation is a fund for maintaining segregation. Of course some members of a group receiving reparations may be happy to be considered a minority or separate if in some way it results in the segregated group receiving more than others, which is clearly against a unified country.

And yes Slavery Reparations are literally shouting to maintain segregation and a sure fire way to ensure a divided country. If you just step back and actually think about it, I mean truly give it thoughtful comprehension, you will realize that massive and targeted reparations of any kind are entirely destructive to unity.

In truth the cancelling of student loans is also a form of massive and targeted reparation that should be absolutely avoided, especially when considering the career student who maintains the status to simply build up more debt, or the many of us who will not be paid back for the loans we have trudged through to honor, or the millions who did not go for that "higher" education since they knew adding more financial obligations would be debilitating. It is also a reality that money from student loans does not have to necessarily be used for educational purposes, so paying off student debt may be just paying for personal property or embellishments unrelated to education.

And what is likely the worst that will happen to a student who fails to pay off a student loan? Bad credit. If students are so bent on getting out of their loans, then bankruptcy is an option, which should hurt less if living under a parent's roof. It is not an option intended for billionaires, and we all know how some play that trump card way too unethically, but it is an option meant to help and truly can when needed.

Ultimately if there is such a push to truly help United States Citizens who have learned a great deal by way of loans, why not just pay off every home owner's loan? At least there is the added benefit of not becoming homeless, which is arguably a far worse fate than a bout of bad credit.

If paying off every home loan is not an option then a simpler and incredibly more fair solution when considering every one of US, is to help all students manage payment plans with zero interest loans along with the addition of a Unity Building Investment (Universal Basic Income), linked with the annual tax free gift amount and the minimum wage. Therefore all United States Citizens will have the option to receive not just the students who enjoyed their many frat parties and unfortunate hazings. So as with wasteful Student Reparations so should Slavery Reparations be absolutely dodged.

In no way am I condoning any form of slavery or ownership of any person of any background; past-present-future. Blanket reparations that aim to segregate is simply against a unified nation. Also I am not saying that certain groups of people have not suffered injustices, but I have witnessed extreme prejudices enacted upon people that would never be considered included in any slavery reparations. Also I have witnessed people with lighter skin than myself consider themselves black. And although I appreciate sincere empathy, I have also witnessed people take on the suffering and victimhood of others when they themselves never experiences such injustices, simply for the purpose of justifying their own acts of prejudice or in an attempt to garner the undeserved sympathy of others.

Additionally, the current political gaming of financial laws has literally made the entire population under the whip of the wealth holders.

So not considering all of the people left out and who will not see a dime just because they did not happen to have slave ancestors, although they may have slavery in their lineage somewhere in the distant past, or experienced the unspoken truths of reverse or other forms of historical discrimination, how does one deserve reparation? Why not trace every single person's heritage back to the beginning of time? Ultimately it is likely everyone deserves reparations. And what about the slaves who were actually given property by the self declared owners? Didn't Thomas Jefferson leave something to people he considered, on some level, property? And would such inheritance negate any reparations?

And what about all the people of free African heritage from northern US territories and more recent immigration? Also is genetic code a deciding factor, and do percentages come in to play for the ominous pay? What if you are a person with African heritage and of partial descent from a plantation owner? Do you owe yourself reparations? Furthermore has it not been also established that every human being can trace their heritage to a single African Woman? Do we all then get an equal share of Slavery Reparations, thus proving the whole governmental debauchery of enacting Slavery Reparations to be even more ludicrous?

Anyone who supports Slavery Reparations in an obvious attempt to further segregate the population after actually giving it some high quality thought and foresight is an idiot who just wants to throw trillions of straws on an already weary back of an entire nation under very serious tension. History is stained with pointless hate crimes and this will create more pointless and very sad stains into our present and future from an unnecessarily vaccinated, pHARMaceutically pushed, GMO twisted, chemically poisoned, 5G scorched, socially clouded, unethically manipulated, financially hindered, frustrated and disoriented populous.


For Your Well Being


Another Self Serving Government Project

As mentioned at We The Pupil ~ Declaration, the majority of people— including those in government—are of high quality and have a tendency toward positive morality. Yet within a critical mass moralities can become skewed into performing certain acts under the guise "for good" when in fact they are quite malevolent.

It is just so obvious that any segregating policy is likely ill equipped to solve any segregated past damages and hurts. And thinking just a bit more reveals how much unbelievable waste will go into the processing of such an outrageously unnecessary event. All the unnecessary appointments of cronies who will need assistants and office space and equipment and additional outside sources to actually accomplish the task because the cronies and entourage will need to take their many paid recesses. Government looks out for itself that's for damn sure.

Along with the exponentially malignant expense of benefits and multiple accumulated pensions received by the ever growing number of government employees—many of whom are dead set against paying taxes even though they are the main beneficiaries, and in many cases do avoid paying many of the taxes imposed upon We The People, and increasingly unapproved and generically labeled additional fees magically appearing everywhere on every bill—government and non-government, legalized extortions such as Private Mortgage Insurance now spilling over into arbitrary blowup increases of required-by-law Auto and Home Insurance expenditures, billionaire bankruptcies, higher and higher and higher sales tax—for any government whim is footed by We The People—how many more billions of tax payer dollars, from tax payers who never had any connection to owning slaves, will it take to decide who legitimately gets a hand in the pot of money to be doled out? Not even considering the likely outrageous and confusing amount that will be determined in the end to fulfill such a civilly dividing policy.

And for clarification—benefits can include, every paid vacation day imaginable; overtime, double time, and on up pay rates; non-taxable incomes and pensions; pensions that may be started immediately upon leaving position; free medical procedures; free education at high cost establishments; absolute job security; forgiven and overlooked violations of the law for the employed offenders, family members, cronies and multiple accumulated pensions can occur; when individuals hold multiple positions, ie. manager in different states; at every level of government, ie. town, city, state, federal; for any position, ie. council member, computer technician, law enforcement, fire prevention, mail delivery, appointed crony.

Yet to return to the topic of reparations, a more pressing and ongoing discrimination is the least considered financially squelched majority "wage slave". Now and throughout known recorded time people of all backgrounds and heritage have suffered and barely eked out an existence slaving for employers and corporations that have deducted hours earned, reduced hours scheduled, forced employees to sign away benefits, and placed a myriad of other stringent conditions on the back bones of companies resulting in the ethical and honorable employees working for free just to keep their jobs and have some semblance of accomplishment at the work place, who are then terminated for insubordination if they happen to request a raise after several years of zero benefits, zero raises and zero vacation days.


We The Pupil


Encouraging A More Perfect Union

There is a clearly more direct path to healing and truly creating a mechanism for immediately uniting everyone in the US of A. Immediate implementation of a Unity Building Investment in the form of a Universal Basic Income of at least the amount of $1000 monthly (non taxed) which Brilliant Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang proposes. The comparatively simple implementation of this amazingly unifying policy will instantly lift the entire country up. And create a beautifully blossoming effect onto the vast economic landscape.

Another nationally nurturing ability of the UBI Liberty Dividend is the natural disintegration of inherently stagnating programs such as welfare and food stamps. Even the process of obtaining unemployment benefits requires that any beneficiary remain unemployed.


Enriching Imagery


And I C ~ Increased Clarity

Additionally it will effectively eliminate every cardboard sign holder at every intersection, and if not, just let the person with the cardboard sign know to check their direct deposit account every month. No more guilting innocent and struggling drivers out of any more money.

For there is an underlying and constant unsettling notion that the person holding the cardboard sign with the strategically pathetic penmanship and message is actually quite well off. For I remember when I was in grade school reading an article about the passing of a well known bag lady leading to the discovery that she was actually a millionaire who lived very comfortably, unbeknownst to everyone who gave her money because they felt she was in actual need. Thinking of the unpresidented billionaires who claim bankruptcy, I wonder if she thought to incorporate?
