·   ·  · Precedential Vote ·  ·   ·

Precedential Vote

The US President Must Be Popular

The offices of US President and Vice President are of such importance and significance that they must be obtained with more than fifty percent of the total votes.

Under the current voting system—with six contending teams, it is entirely possible for a Presidential Team to take office with only 17% of the national vote, and that's not even taking into consideration the rather unnecessary Electoral College. Unnecessary due to the fact that the Congress and the Senate are more pure representations of individual States, and thus are well situated to balance the Executive Branch.

The following proposed ballot change is significantly better than ranked (or preferential) voting due to the simple fact that it enables each voter to place a vote in the actual final decision by popular vote. Resulting in a very real majority placing a Presidential Team into the single office that represents the entire country, and subsequently providing a more national mindset of unity for the winning Presidential Team.


We The Pupil


The Balance Of The Ballot

To solve the problematic outcomes of elections with more than two Presidential Teams running, the ballot will have one addition to the normal set up. The section for selecting President and Vice President of the United States will have the original list of candidates, then an array of paired voting scenarios only tallied in the event there is no true majority winner—a single candidate team receiving more than fifty percent of the votes.

It will be preferred to have the entire array of paired voting scenarios on a single face of the voting document, but in the event there are too many candidates for one facing then the scenarios will need to be extended beyond a single sheet.

Ultimately it is imperative that the array of voting pairs will need to be presented in a clear manner for the voter.

Precedential Ballot by David Biagini, We The Pupil, Vocal Party.
When no candidate receives more than fifty percent of the vote, then only the two highest percentage candidates will be considered from the array of paired voting scenarios. Theoretically only one Scenario will become valid based on Initial Vote, which can likely be proven based on all previous elections.

Any Scenario will default to the Initial Vote when available in the pair no matter the vote of the Scenario, and any double voted or unvoted Scenario will be considered an Abstain Vote.

In a specific example, if the Initial Vote is placed for We The Pupil + David Biagini, and a Finalizing Popular Vote is placed for Hillary Clinton + Tim Kaine in the Scenario paired with We The Pupil + David Biagini, the Initial Vote will take precedence and the secondary vote for Hillary Clinton + Tim Kaine will be eliminated in that specific Scenario.


California Quarter Case File


The Electoral Collage

The Precedential Ballot will work nicely with the current Electoral College process. If the Finalizing Popular Vote is utilized on a State by State basis then the Electoral Votes have the opportunity to be more representative of the will of the nation as opposed to the current disgrace of democracy that falters in the wake of a party system greater than two.

In actuality the Electoral College could be more easily eliminated with the establishment of the Precedential Ballot. Although it could still prove worthwhile if redesigned to work within the scope of the Precedential Vote, effectively never utilized until absolutely needed.

Since the Finalizing Popular Vote could instead be tallied upon the full count of the Initial Vote, it is highly unlikely that there will ever be a 50/50 split. Yet there is the possibility of two candidate teams obtaining each fifty percent of the votes. At such an integral event only then will the Electoral College come into play, in essence pasting together the patchwork of states in such a way that still expresses the will of the nation.

Ultimately the US President and Vice President must be the choice of the majority. Otherwise, as has already been revealed, the more Presidential Candidates there are on the ballot the least likely there will be a valid representation of US All.
